Blenders joins our community and the nation in mourning the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless black lives lost as a result of racism, white supremacy and systemic oppression. The right to live without discrimination or fear of harassment is a basic human right. The fact that the color of one’s skin prohibits that from being a reality in this country is a travesty that we join with our community in condemning.
It is time, however, for action as well as words. It is the responsibility of every business to ensure that their culture and structure is inclusive, diverse, and pursues equity in everything they do. At Blenders we have always strived to live up to that responsibility, but it is time to make sure we are in fact doing so. We are reviewing, with fresh eyes, every facet of our business to make sure that it is 100% cleansed of any policy, procedure, or culture that even hints at inhibiting our goal of inclusion, diversity, and equity.
In addition, we also will be donating $5,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (NAACPldf.org). We encourage you to donate if you’re able.
We also encourage you to sign petitions of support that can be found many places online, including…